Windswept Pines
by Claire Bull
Original - Sold
Not Specified
18.000 x 14.000 inches
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Windswept Pines
Claire Bull
Painting - Mixed Media On Canvas
Mixed media abstract landscape of the windswept pines on Georgian Bay in Muskoka Ontario, a 14x18 painting by Claire Bull
My art is available here through Fine Art America and divisions of their company. Watermark does not appear on your purchased art. Thank you.
Art copyright Claire Bull.
April 24th, 2012
Comments (20)
Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is featured in the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group!
Claire Bull replied:
Thank you for the Feature in the "Out of the Ordinary 1 a Day" group, Lyric - Fabulous !!
Claire Bull
You came back? Ohmygoodness, I have had so many comments on this one. I really have to try to do more of these but as you know, we can never duplicate what we painted. Darn it. Thank you Mary, for returning and for your great comment. This made my day. ;)
Mary Wolf
I had to come back and view this fascinating painting again, Claire! It really is outstanding.
Jim Sauchyn
Gorgeous artwork Claire, very bold use of color and very good gesture with the trees. Very much like a group of Seven painting. v
Claire Bull replied:
WOW Jim, you could not have said anything better to me ... and coming from you, it is an honour to hear that comment and so appreciate it and the vote too!! The original sold so quickly - and it was one of my favourites and the trees really look like that out on the rocks - thanks Jim !
Mary Wolf
Your work is so beautiful, Claire! I especially love this paintings color and texture. v/f
Claire Bull replied:
oh Mary - I am so pleased to hear you love this - and thank you very much for the V/F !!! have a lovely night ...
Byron Varvarigos
Your paintings are beautiful, Claire, lovely color palette and texture here...
Claire Bull replied:
I tried to limit my palette (really) but it was experimental with the texture and techniques so I am really pleased you like it, Byron!! Thank you!!
Carol Senske
Hi, Claire:>) You've posted yet another awesome landscape. I have to believe you'll be the star of this art show with your awesome series of pieces - beautiful work!!!!!. I don't know how you feel about groups, but if you are so disposed, take a look at my group, Beautiful Scenery, at - I'd be so honored if you shared some of these landscapes. I also understand the folks who don't want to be in groups. Whatever, you have my vote and fave:>)
Claire Bull replied:
Thank you so much, Carol for the invitation and the lovely comment - I am honoured to be part of your group and to be your artist friend here - I love that you think this is a star ... thank you '))
Roberto Prusso
Claire - Abstract, yet not entirely abstract in the way of some of Monet's renderings, very pleasing !! F/V
Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists - Creative Women!!! Excellent artwork, really very well done!!! Voted
Claire Bull replied:
Thank you Madalena - So happy to hear this is featured as it is one of my favourites - I really enjoyed making this one ;)))
David Lane
Very nice. Your work always resonates in me
Claire Bull replied:
How wonderful to hear that, David because I really adore your work and it is so beautiful - You MADE my day with your comment - Thank you!